Unleash your potential

The dedicated solution for veterinary IVD - with over 30 dedicated parameters to address your diagnostic need.

  • System solution consisting of the respons®910VET analyzer, intuitive software, dedicated system reagents and perfect service
  • High-performance technology in its most compact form: The perfect fit for laboratories with small to mid-range throughput
  • Offering full flexibility: From single test runs to full panel testing
  • Integrated system components for highest result security and precision

Available parameters

Albumin FS Creatinine FS Phosphate FS
Alkaline Phosphatase FS Creatinine PAP FS Potassium FS
Amylase FS Gamma GT FS Sodium FS
ASAT (GOT) FS Glucose Hexokinase FS T4*
Bicarbonate FS beta-Hydroxybutyrate FS Total Protein FS
Bilirubin Auto Total FS Iron FS Ferene Triglycerides FS
Bilirubin Auto Direct FS Lactate FS UIBC FS
Calcium P FS LDH FS Urea FS (= BUN)
Chloride 21 FS Lipase DC FS Uric acid FS
Cholesterol FS Magnesium XL FS

*only avalaible in US