Unleash your potential
The dedicated solution for veterinary IVD - with over 30 dedicated parameters to address your diagnostic need.
- System solution consisting of the respons®910VET analyzer, intuitive software, dedicated system reagents and perfect service
- High-performance technology in its most compact form: The perfect fit for laboratories with small to mid-range throughput
- Offering full flexibility: From single test runs to full panel testing
- Integrated system components for highest result security and precision
Available parameters
Albumin FS | Creatinine FS | Phosphate FS |
Alkaline Phosphatase FS | Creatinine PAP FS | Potassium FS |
Amylase FS | Gamma GT FS | Sodium FS |
ASAT (GOT) FS | Glucose Hexokinase FS | T4* |
Bicarbonate FS | beta-Hydroxybutyrate FS | Total Protein FS |
Bilirubin Auto Total FS | Iron FS Ferene | Triglycerides FS |
Bilirubin Auto Direct FS | Lactate FS | UIBC FS |
Calcium P FS | LDH FS | Urea FS (= BUN) |
Chloride 21 FS | Lipase DC FS | Uric acid FS |
Cholesterol FS | Magnesium XL FS |
*only avalaible in US